Receive a cordial greeting and the wish of success in leading such delicate functions. Three years have passed since, thanks to the trust of the polytechnic community, we assumed the challenge of directing our beloved institution, within the framework of respect, transparency, reliability and social responsibility in the fulfillment of the substantive functions of higher education. In this constant growth lies precisely the challenge of strengthening ourselves as a team, of sharing knowledge and experiences, of bringing together wills aimed at the integration of those who pursue the same goal, a GREAT AND WORTHY ESPOCH; with the only limitation of our maximum effort. We knew that going through management would not be an easy task, however, a series of difficulties have been overcome, considered as opportunities and that we trust will be reflected in positive results for the good of our beloved ESPOCH. I express my sincere gratitude for being part of this great institutional academic management team, because day by day we continue building the institutional path, thank you for having enjoyed a historic year, for having contributed to the development of 2 ordinary academic periods with all the dynamics that it implies. It is time for a well-deserved rest, it is time to enjoy with the family, to return in a few days with renewed spirits to continue making history. The work commitment continues, there is much to do, there is a long way to go, always remember that together we go far. We are taking advantage of the institutional recess, your procedures will be gladly managed starting September 30, 2024. Take care of yourselves, Blessings always